289 Solutions for the Steel Industry Copycopy_copy

Inheriting the classic style with ease

Solutions for the steel industryIt took us a lot of effort to develop itThese contents are specifically designed for use during testing

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    本体重量 24.5 kg
    额定负载 7 kg
    工作半径 800 mm
    最大臂展 990 mm
    额定电压 DC48 V
    工作最大速度 3 m/s
    关节活动范围 J1 ± 360°
    J2 ± 360°
    J3 ± 160°
    J4 ± 360°
    J5 ± 360°
    J6 ± 360°
    关节最大速度 J1/J2 180 ° /s
    J3/J4/J5/J6 180 ° /s
    末端 I/O DI/DO/AI 2
    AO 0
    通信接口 通信 RS485
    控制箱 I/O DI 16
    DO/DI 16
    AI/AO 2
    ABZ 增量编码器 1
    重复定位精度 ±0.02 mm
    通讯方式 TCP/IP, Modbus, 无线网络
    IP 等级 IP54
    温度范围 0 ℃~ 45 ℃
    典型功耗 150 W
    材质 铝合金,ABS 塑料

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